Body Painter Application

Experience the fun from our side!


Headdresses, Color Scheme Deadline and Additional Costuming

We use only performers in the Body Art Cabaret (no models) and for that reason, all headdresses will be custom designed on an individual performer basis, in the artists’ color theme. Light weight, comfortable to wear and easy to perform in head pieces are what we create. Due to ethical concerns, we use only cruelty-free feathers in our headdresses if feathers are used at all.

Our theme is vintage cabaret however artists are free to paint whatever they would like. Artists are required to use only non-toxic materials, adhesives and/or body paint. No latex prosthetics will be allowed. Hair and make-up artists will be available on site for last minute needs.

All female performers must wear pasties, which we can provide. For artists using custom pasties, no latex is permitted as it can cause an allergic reaction on some performers.

Performers will wear boy short briefs, or for men a dance strap if preferred. Men wanting to use a dance strap must provide their own. Keep in mind that what you wear will be painted on and the color may or may not wash out. Performers should provide their own footwear suitable for performing in.

Performance Info

All performers will be chosen by Body Art Cabaret talent scouts. Artists and performers will be paired three to four weeks prior to the show. Only one performer per artist is allowed. All artists and performers will be required to sign a contract and photo release stating their commitment to participating in the event.

Each performer will have about 2 minutes on stage to perform their skill and display the body art. Additionally there will be a 60 second period after each performance when the performer will stand on a rotating pedestal so that the audience can best view the body art. Performers will improvise their act to vintage themed music (1920’s-1940’s) that our DJ will provide.

In order for performers to be ready for a high-energy performance in the evening, they should be given a 5 minute break per hour, specifically for stretching.

Assistants and Comps

We do not have assistants for artists. We simply do not have the space to accommodate any more bodies in the venue during the show. Due to the small size of this venue, no complimentary tickets can be given for this event.

Show Day Timeline

Check in
Painting begins
VIP guests invited to view painting process
Painting ends
Dress rehearsal run through
Portraits taken
Doors open to guests
Craft Services
First Show
Second Show
12:00 (Midnight)
Vacate the building
Cleaning building
First Name: *
Please enter your first name.
Last Name:
Please enter your last name. No hyphens please.
Email: *
Please enter an email address.
Re-enter Email: *
Please re-enter your email address.

Contact Information

We do not sell or send your contact information to anyone else. This is strictly for us to contact you.

Phone *
Please enter a phone number.
Street Address *
Please enter a Contact Address.

City *
Enter a City.


Zip Code *
Enter a Zip Code

Enter a Country

Portfolio Information

Website Address:
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Include http:// or https:// in your website url.

Other Online Portfolio:
Invalid Input

Include http:// or https:// in your website url.

Have you presented in Living Art America, the Body Art Cabaret or the Flesh Art Show before?
Invalid Input

Please list the show and year.

Are there any awards or grants you have received for your body art endeavors including titles you may hold?
Invalid Input

Please list the awards and titles with the year they were achieved.

Body Artist Bio (500 Characters or less):
Please enter a bio.

Artwork Portfolio Samples

Please upload samples of your artwork below.
Application Image Guidelines:
1. Send images in jpg format, no larger than 3 MB each.
2. Give each image a unique title. Please rename image files as "yourname_title.jpg".
3. Please do not use any spaces or unusual characters.
4. Capitalization is permissible. An example of this would be "AnselAdams_NileRiver.jpg", or "AnselAdams_MountainSunrise.jpg".
5. Images may be used in promotional materials. We reserve the right to edit, crop, or otherwise alter images for purposes of display only.
6. Submission does not guarantee inclusion. Artists retain all copyrights of their work.

Show Details

Do you need electricity to run an air compressor or other equipment?
Do you have any special requirements that need to be accommodated?
Please describe.
Invalid Input

Do you prefer a Male or Female Performer, or either? *
Please choose Male, Female, or Either

Preferred Performer's Full Name:
Do you have a performer in mind whom you would like to be paired with? Please state their name and have them fill out a performer application as well.
Please enter a first name.

Note: Pairing with performer of choice is not guaranteed.

Do you have special needs or do you need handicap access?
Invalid Input

Do you use alcohol or water-based paint or both? *
Please choose an option.

Will you be using fabric or other materials in your art besides just body paint?
Remember, no latex prosthetics are allowed.
Please leave a comment

If you are not selected as a featured body painter, would you like to participate by painting the guests before the show AND at the after party? *
Please choose.

Comments and Notes:
Invalid Input

Confirmation and Disclaimer

Please agree to the conditions in order to submit the form.